Five ways to optimise your corporate Fan Page on Facebook

Fanpage Facebook

One of the most important showcase windows for any brand looking to increase visibility is definitely Facebook. This social network, which by the end of 2021, reached around $117 billion just in advertising revenue, brings brands and their potential followers closer together, creating an emotional bond that goes beyond a commercial relationship.

According to data collected by the virtual community itself, 76.8% of users connect through mobile devices, and 61.5% access the platform daily across all platforms. With these figures, it’s logical that companies want to have a Fan Page, but how to make it more profitable? Take into account these tips to optimise your corporate Fan Page on Facebook:

    1. Customise the URL. Once a clear and concise description of the Fan Page is defined, the URL or address should be customised to facilitate the association between the brand and its followers, as well as quick searchability on the social network.
    2. Multimedia Material. Photos and videos are essential for generating interaction between the target audience and the brand. Constant use of these resources will make what you want to show more visible and facilitate the task when exchanging information with each fan.
    3. Statistics. For publications to be more efficient, we must not overlook the numbers provided by the different content we publish on Facebook. Based on statistics, we can determine the time of day with the highest interaction from our fans, which is indicative of strengthening any element we consider important. The best time to post may vary between brands and their target audience; however, generally, it is recommended to share content from Wednesday at 3 pm to Saturday, as these are the days with the highest traffic and fan participation.
    4. Applications. Facebook offers the possibility of integrating other multimedia content from the brand: the corporate blog, YouTube or Twitter, an online store, and also encouraging fan participation in promotions or contests (for example: EasyPromos); all of this with the aim of improving the user experience.
    5. Communication Strategy. Every page must be backed by a communication strategy to insert valuable content. We cannot expect followers to come on their own; instead, it is necessary to develop actions that help us to retain our audience and prioritize quick and constant interaction for good communication feedback.

With all these tips, the Fan Page can greatly help reinforce brand reputation, retain users, and contribute to making the virtual community that follows your company much larger.